Tuesday, October 17, 2017

False Strength

I am trying to be strong
in this moment of weakness.
I am trying to hide my tears,
as my throat feels like it will
explode in defeat. 

I am tired of suppressing 
my emotions to keep peace.  
I deserve to be heard as 
everyone else around me.
I do not run and I do not hide
when words are spoken to me
that I may not like.

I am more than a shadow on
the wall, there are wishes and
dreams that I also search for.
It seems as if I give away to
much of myself,always receiving
the short end of the stick. I allow
myself to be taken for granted, I
smile away my feelings like they
do not really matter.

I can feel it,
but to speak it would cause
bitterness and pain.

Thursday, October 5, 2017


The dirt lays silent on the ground
the prints left behind leaves no
memory of laughter or tears.
A fistful in hand 
and it still does not reply.
It is just blackened soil that in
the end will still be nothing more.

Possessions held dear 
with excitement in the eyes,
it cannot give back the attention
or love that it has received. 
It knows nothing of the heart,
it is only a tool that carries away
the reality of the outside world.

A swing creaks
as it sways back and forth!
The trees are in their glory
not even they can talk.
No teasing and song can be heard,
for it is just wood that will
wither away in time left in dust.

The work and effort cannot be
thanked, it is just a thing that
takes your life away. No love
or worship will be given in praise.

Our eyes have been covered,
we reach to the stars for something
that when we leave we can never take.
No memories will touch them 
in heart and soul, no tears will
fall from their eyes when life 
has taken its last token from you.

Along the way of life people have forgotten
that those who love, will be the only ones
that matter.

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Weeping Willow Wisdom

I am on this lonely road
expecting to see everything
where nothing resides but the
untouched earth that most could
only imagine in their dreams.

There is nothing here, just the 
peace of the wild in all of its glory.
They are also searching for
their own bounty of nuts and berries.
I laugh at the splendor that they
seek in this refuge we call the hills.

I am in my own world walking,
watching and listening to everything
that is going on around me. I know
that I am alone but yet I have company.
The company of my own thoughts,
sometimes disagreeing with myself.

There it sat, up on the highest of hills! 
A willow tree was beckoning me, come forth
and find all of the answers that you have searched.
I give all with nothing to gain, but a human
who shares in the same relentless pain.

It was beautiful, it had these branches that
wept in harmony with the earth. 
I remembered one just like this from
long ago days. I remembered talking to it,
as if it understood all of my fears and thoughts.
So I sat and talked to this tree, as if it was a long
lost friend of mine. 

I asked it a simple question, the one
that I have asked myself a thousand times before.
Where am I going and have I taken the
road that was meant to be traveled?
Of course I was not expecting it to answer,
but wouldn't that have been something?

I sat laughing at myself, looking out 
at the scene that this tree has had to 
bare the vision of for so long. It was
comforting to feel the breeze tangling 
the hair that I had spent an hour to tame.
I just didn't care in this moment of peace,
I was to enthused with the life that set before me.

Surprisingly, this tree answered me,
in a silent whisper helped by the breeze.
No it did not speak the words vocally,
but it spoke them silently.
In my head only for me to hear,
I was given a tale that I would not soon forget.

My child I have been through it all,
I have battled wars that you would not believe.
I have done everything from suffering the drought
to the floods that drenched my sagging leaves.
It has not been easy sitting here all alone,
but I have done it from day one,
You see. 
I was promised life, but not an easy one
I have had to work hard for where I am at.
My branches may sag as most can tell
but they sag in strength where you think
they only weep. I can take the highest of
winds and snow on a winters day, I can
take the heat that only July may bring. 

I have learned that lesson well my child,
and when you walk away never to return
you will be just another human that I have
taught as well. I have been here way before
your time, and I will still stand proudly right here
where I am, when you are long gone from 
this earths ground. 

I walked away from that tree
who suffered just as much as me.
I played it's words over in my mind
a thousand times before I realized.
It has survived more battles than I would 
have to face in a lifetime.
It has watched its branches die as
they sagged down to the ground.  

The questions that I had searched for
 so long had been answered right under
that weeping willow tree. It had
taken me back to a place that was so
cold and unbearable,
I now looked at my past differently, willingly.
It showed me that all of life had battles to fight, but only
those with the strength could find the
beauty that was just beyond the horizon.

I look back now at the beauty of the weeping willow tree,
I remember the tales that it told so freely.
I have come to understand what human life could not teach,
an understanding of our own selves can never be breached.
I wonder about that tree that taught me so much,
I wonder who now sits at its trunk. 

Friday, May 5, 2017

18 years already gone

My oldest finally moves on to bigger and better things soon. The thirtieth she will graduate and two more months she will marry. She has grown into a beautiful young woman who has found herself through a lot of lessons in life. I hope that she can stay on track and make something of herself after her break before she starts college. Hold them tight because time goes faster than you think.


Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The mind of a Manic

I have weathered the storms,
Came to my crossroads,
Picked my destination,
Just to be lost again.

I have cried a waterfall of  tears
Allowed them to dry
Picked myself up off the floor
Just to stumble again.

I have felt my chest cave
My heart pounding uncontrollably
Calmed the beat
Only to feel the pressure building again

I have screamed my insanity
Misunderstanding what is obvious to everyone else.
Finally seeing the light
Just to fade back into the darkness

I have feared life
And sometimes myself
Like a child in the corner
Huddled in wait to be rescued.
Standing alone I join the crowd
For just a moment I feel the presence of another
once again disappear into my own invisibility.

I have lived
And almost died
at the hands of the abusers
Some I still wish revenge upon.

I have searched for my worst enemy.
Wanting to set things straight where life seems so crooked.
I want to ask why life has never seemed settled,
why the sky never seems as bright as it should

I have asked the questions
That I need answered so badly.
I never really understood that my worst enemy,
Looks something like me!

I live in the mind of a manic
Where I want to escape.
Some of us are a little insane
Some of us want what so many takes for granted!

Living in a mind that feels unsettled!


 Self worth… thats a hard one to talk about. Why? Why is hard to talk about? What is even harder is the fact that so many people are searchi...