Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Destruction of Mankind

Let's let the blind lead the blind,
let them have a chance to explain to us
what the world looks like from their minds.
They can tell us what we are not seeing,
our eyes can tell us a different story
than the truth that we so often miss.

Let the deaf tell us what they hear,
their eyes can read a million thoughts
that run rampant in another's soul.
Let them lead the way with only
their hearts as their voice.

Let our children in on the secret,
the one that we all know by now
but hide away
Let them tell us what they see
let them tell us what they perceive to be the truth.
Young hearts of purity at its best.
young dreams that can give us the freedom
to understand what only they really get.

You know,
I am just tired
so many wars to win
none of which is worth the bloodshed.
We have become greedy,
taking what is not ours
as we throw the blame on innocents.
Babylon in the making,
but we blindly go our own way.
We pretend to know
what we are really to stupid to understand.

We preach to our children to be good
we tell them to leave the racism where it belongs,
underneath the mat
that they wipe their feet upon.
But yet
it is almost hopeless
so much is going on around the world
so much torture that even we are shaken to the core.
They will go to school tomorrow
and sit in these classes that tell them
who to hate
and what to believe
and we will be told to jump on board
for that is the way of life
and nothing can interfere with their treacherous word.

We will stand tall and proud,
we will throw our angry words for everyone to hear.
Just as the deed is done that we have just venomously disagreed
we will walk away never making a difference
because we are to worried about how we may be seen.
Nothing will ever change
in this life that we have allowed to get out of hand.
We will let mankind be the destruction
of a land that was built by better men.
We will let ourselves go backwards
because we did not have the strength or voice
to encourage each other to use their own minds
when fighting for what we believe to be most important things.

The light at the end of a dark tunnel
The voice that can change a million thoughts
The hand that will uplift those that find themselves
hurt and confused and sometimes lost.

We are a weak nation
fighting for a weaker world.
No peace will ever be won
as long as we a people and a community
find it in our hearts to be silent and still!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Erotic Soul Searching

Tenderly I touch his inner soul with
my soft spoken words of endearment.
I want to caress his heart with the warmth 
of my own as we walk hand in hand
through these hills imagining the bigger picture
of life in a stilled motion.

Frantically searching for the others arms
we meet in an alluring kiss. Lips on fire as
bodies melt together, we lay in a bed of wildflowers.
Naked skin to naked earth, coming one where
once stood two in shaky balance. 

Inner demons fighting their way out 
of our free bound souls. Reckless emotions
finding their way home in another's mind. 
Understanding the misunderstood through
our hungry love making. Faces tightly
grasped by each other's hands as we
answer so many questions through the
lust seen in another's eyes.

All is lost now, 
the ground is no longer holding us 
as we find our pleasure and release.
You can almost feel the cushion of the clouds
as we are weightless in each others arms.

All has been found,
through our lovemaking!
All is understood,
in the arms of the one that 
we have always belonged to. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Voice of a Manic

Next week we will be putting together my 5th poetry book. There will be a lot in the book that you will not be able to find on the net. This book will have a little of everything in it, all walks of life in every way. Love, dark, bitterness, lovemaking etc etc. This will not be a book that will be suitable for children. Keep an eye out, it should be done by the end of the month.  

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Soul mates are not always meant to be together, sometimes they are only meant to be friends.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

New Beginnings Advertising: Never Forgotten ~~The Journey~~

New Beginnings Advertising: Never Forgotten ~~The Journey~~:                                                                                                    For immediate release   ...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


I Want to speak from my heart,
but there is something holding me back.
I can give you a million reasons why I shouldn't
but there is only one that I know for a fact.
What I say will never be important
and it will never even matter anyway,
when half the story is heard through deaf ears
and the other is walked away from.

I already see the response as it
plays havoc on my mind,
first I will get the third degree
and then I will be left heartbroken.
It is the same old story
the only thing that has changed is the day.
Where everything moves forward
but broken promises and pain.

I could be a statue
standing firm in my silence,
I could be the man on the moon
for all that you know about me.
You think that I am strong
when really it is my weakness that carries me.
I am searching for something
that even I can only half way believe.

You almost thought that I was perfect,
but you really did not see,
all of the cover-ups that were put in place
to hide my insecurities.
I have these walls,
do you see them?
They are completely surrounding me,
every stone and brick I have earned righteously.

Here I am safe
but yet only living half of a life.
Here I can be what you need,
but yet never completely me.
I want to speak from my heart,
but there is something holding me back!
There are a million reasons why I should,
but only one that really matters.
Sometimes I just need to be heard,
instead of sitting in this perfect stature.
Sometimes I just want to lay to rest
all of these insecurities
that leaves my heart forever fractured.


 Self worth… thats a hard one to talk about. Why? Why is hard to talk about? What is even harder is the fact that so many people are searchi...