Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Stalker Inside of Me

I see you
you're like a stalker waiting for your chance to destroy
everything that I have worked for
you take away like a tornado
you leave nothing behind for me
but the fragments of what once was
in a long ago forgotten memory

yea you know that I hear you whispering about me
putting me down every chance that you get.
Nothing but negativity flung my way,
acting as if I will never be good enough for anybody.

I see you
looking around the corner
watching my every move
waiting for me to take one wrong step.
This is what you want to prove
I am always just an inch shy
of being good enough for someone to love or stand beside.

Yea yea, I hear you snickering
you are just waiting for my mind to blow a fuse.
Your clicking your toes together
ready for the kill when the time may come

You want to take my life
right out of my hands.
You want to take my love
from this beating heart that can not risk the loss.

You see things that are blurred in vision
making something out of nothing.
You hear words given by another
and read into them things that are impossible.
You scream your anger just trying to shoot me down,
you have taken every step in your power
to hurt me when things are always better
than ever before.

Just leave me be
just stop talking in riddles that you do not understand
give me a break for just this once
I cannot take anymore
I am ready to find peace and happiness
I am tired of you following me around
like everything that I do is your business
I am my own person now

When I turn and face you face to face
you will not see love in my eyes
you will no longer hear compassion in my voice
I will finally rid you from my life
go find someone else to devastate
go find someone else who will take your thunder
go find someone else who will listen to you
snicker in their ear

I am turning now
I will face you
fear does not hold me back any longer
the tears flood my face like a dam that has been broken
A mirror hangs steadily on the wall
I am finally face to face with you
I finally see the person who has shadowed my whole life
who has caused so much friction
when everything for a change is just right

I am caught off guard because
she has my eyes
and her hair is almost to her waist
with long curls the color of fall
she looks a lot like me

I can see tear streaks have dried on her face
her eyes are almost hollow and cold
she looks bewildered
scared of the shadow that has faced her form
this cannot be
she cannot be the enemy
that I have searched for,
for so long.

With my head bowed down
my thoughts start running astray
could it be that the girl in the mirror
is just the other side of me?

Friday, April 1, 2016

New stuff in the works

How has everyone been? I haven't been around for a bit but life can catch up with you sometimes ;). I am working on a few projects that I have not shared with everyone because they are a little different than you are use to here. It is always good to switch things up here and there huh? The new book I am working on is called "The Voice of a Manic" Cool idea for the cover that is way different than any you have seen with my books so that is exciting. I am also still working on "Sinfully Becoming" but it has been an on and off book to work on. Also a romance is in the works so staying busy but maybe not busy enough with the books. I took a time out for awhile but back at it. I am happy to see so many people still checking out my blog even if you are stuck with oldies :). 

I have also started a product called Plexus that has been wonderful and given me back my energy and helped with my stomach issues so that is another plus. Now maybe I will have the want to write as I done before. If anyone has ever thought about trying it you should really give it a chance. I have tried many other things and they were just gimmicks :/. You can check out my website if you want to see the many different things that there are to try. If you would like to speak to me personally about this great product you can contact me on Facebook or Email me at Make sure that you put PLEXUS in the subject line so I know to make you my priority.  

If any would like to buy any books you can go to Bathsheba Dailey in books on amazon. If anyone would like a signed copy you can follow the Facebook link and drop me a inbox. Have a wonderful day everyone. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Perfect Sinner

I bet you don't know me,
even though you see me.
I bet you don't even try,
if I am not in your group
of the perfect sinner.

I bet you will preach to me
if I would give you half a second.
I bet you will tell me you are a Christian
and then walk the earth
sinning more than I ever could.

I bet you will hide away
pretty as you please.
You talk your talk for all to hear
and drink yourself to sleep.
They are praising you
because they do not know you.
A fake who hides beneath,
worried that no one will understand.
Your soul cringes in pain
listening to the words you speak,
but we both know
you will never mean.

I bet you will talk about me
even though you have no clue who I am.
I bet you will tell them I am a sinner
even though you have never walked in my shoes.
I bet you think you are better than me,
even though you have never had to do a thing in your life
that was actually worked for by your own blood and tears

I bet you do not know who you even are,
I bet no one else does either.
You are to busy playing a fools game
hiding behind a bible that you have only half read.

Sunday, October 11, 2015


Walking the halls,
picking up what needs picked up,
washing the dishes and clothes,
nothing left at the bottom when through.

Wiping tears,
giving empowerment when it is needed,
letting go when I have to,
learning the difference between the two.

Playing super hero when problems arise,
fighting off the wolves that knock on the door.
crying silently within,
when hurtful things find there way,
knowing not all can be fixed with the words of a woman.

Walking the halls,
never being seen clearly,
taken for granted,
caused by own hands.

Just a ghost,
doing what needs to be done.
Day of chores,
never taking a break,
living life
not living at all.

Standing in the kitchen,
the form of a ghost now missing.


 Self worth… thats a hard one to talk about. Why? Why is hard to talk about? What is even harder is the fact that so many people are searchi...