Saturday, April 21, 2012

Musical chairs

A sequence of colors play
on my inner thoughts of
perplexed feelings that I
sometimes hide underneath
the barriers of my heart and
soul.Searchingly  I look for
answers to the unasked questions
of my own hidden demons.

I obediently follow through
with my life as I am asked
and needed too.I lose myself
in the music that is heard in
the shadows of my own mind.
I am engulfed with want's that
are bounded by the dreams I
so heavily search to find.

I play a part that overshadows
the person that want's to be
seen,I hold back the inner
child that once deceived me
freely.My dreams are haunted
by the nightmares that takes
their place,my heart races as
it is to never take lead of the
terrors that I face.

I look for tomorrow but I
am left to see yesterday,my
memories still haunt the
adult that lives in a child's
mind sometimes.I look for
those un-answered questions
that tread on my heals daily,
they are left as nothing more
but nonsense that leaves me
bleeding internally.

I run into the clouds of a
life lived but never forgotten.
A storm hits my mind,once
again I am still searching for
the real me to find.I hear the
music as I bounce in between
the chairs that always pull me
back down.Words heard only
by me as I walk in my own
minds melody.


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