Monday, June 4, 2012

the keeper of souls

I am the keeper of
souls as I hold them
like baggage on my
shoulders in a satchel
of black forgotten
things that now are
to weak to fight their
way out,they lay silent
in their cries of sinister

A weak movement of
life tries to suffocate
out like a candle under
cover of its lid that
finally can take no more,
blood pours from the
hearts that sinned
within the darkness
they tried to covet in
for safety.None can
escape me!

I am the guardian now
of your lost soul,I
hold your mind in my
poisonous stare feeling
your body give in.I
now suck the rest of
your life out of you
that may of still had
the will to live.I
never forgive!

Like quick sand I have
all control,I am not
weak anymore and have
already taken my fair
share of scars where
I bled into the ground
where you once lifted
me up from.The venom
you seen seeping from
within my lips,you
think now I am easily
tricked and you can
walk on by me.Apparently
you have still not
Learned where I have
come from and all that
I have seen.

You think I am your
angel that will bleed
my mind on your every
word, you must be absorbed.
I am not here for your
soulful needs,my body
is not one you will shower
your greed upon.I am
nothing to you now but
a demons hate filled
spawn looking for a
barrel full of souls
to laugh upon!

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