Saturday, October 20, 2012

Complications of the heart

Life stopped within
the fraction of forces 
left to go backwards,
acceleration finds 
negatives where positive
was in words expressed
to my endearing heart.

Complications of the
heart leads me into
unwanted things on
both parts, decisions
made follow through 
with facts laid upon
the spreadsheet.

Wait has limits that
none should find 
within the sorrowful 
crevices of their
mind. Following 
through only finds 
strength when the
other finds there

Tears of helplessness
proceeds to drop
when the notion of
two lives given up
leaves her in the 
same position waiting
for the day to come.

Lonesomeness finds
her where she seems 
to always stray,tired 
of hurting blindly.
Dark consumes nights
of grief,days hold 
want to be memories.

Taken words to heart
of true love that shall
never fall apart,fear
of the hidden holds 
one far waiting on

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