Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The light under the door

She walks across the threshold of a haunted life one followed by a shadow that seemed to
always follow her but does not belong to her at all, she looks around looking for the owner
to the shadow just to see an emptiness all around her.

She has stumbled upon a house that seems to be deserted on this gloomy night while in a haste
to get home to the safety of her home. She takes baby steps into the darkened house and sees one
light shining under a door and wonders why there was just the one light on in this house that
seems to be empty of life. She hears a gently voice whisper her name beckoning her to move
closer to the door but it frightens her and she stumbles backwards a few steps trying to turn as
she does so to run far away from this darkened house.

Something compels her to turn back around once again stepping closer to the door now than before,
her eyes never leaves the light that is shining from under the door as if she is in an trance of some sort.

Fear weakens her body and makes her question the reasoning for treading so close to what has to be
danger that terrifies her, but to leave now would only leave the wonder of what was behind the door
for the rest of her life. She moves her hand up slowly to grab the handle of the door just to have a
shock course through her body making her arm drop back to her sides in a wave of fear.

She is determined to find out what hides behind this door that shines so bright in such a darkened
house, so she once again grabs for the handle this time now letting the shocking waves daunt her
to turn away from the door. She gives the door one hard shove open and is taken back by what she
sees in the room that had scared her to the core of her being. She sees a beauty like no other and
feels freedom and fulfillment course through her body as she has never felt before. This room is
filled with a peace she had never experienced in all of her life. She did not feel swirls of fear or
dread as she had expected she would and this brings a smile to her face and a glimmer to her eyes.

She now knew what had scared her from this door that the light shimmered from, it was her own
demons that hid beneath her soul telling her to not tread into a new world of contentment or happiness.She had been fighting this demon all of her life and was tormented by anything new and that made her feel alive. She had reeked her own doom and made her own unhappiness in life follow her around.

She now knew that to live free and with a fulfillment that brought her happiness she needed to let go
of her fears in life before it was to late to really live in peace and harmony with herself and others.

The shadow that seemed to follow her throughout her life had disappeared on that gloomy night..
leaving only wonderment of the shimmering light that shined from under the door..

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