Saturday, December 29, 2012


Suffers are the grains of
solitude where angels rest
high above.Turns of gratitude 
finds tears within my eyes,
chasing lost time no longer

The devil tries to take what
is not his to have, follies are
those who let him pass.Fortress
lays beneath skin grown cold,
fighting the rain life is so bold.

Rainbows finds passage in
a down-slope, walking the
stairs of hope. Confusion
finds memories laid to rest.
Heart to fight a new test!

Sparrows take flight where
winds beat them down,loins
roar with calming frowns.
Trick to heaven is beating
the devil at his own game,
for hearts are to be no longer

Beating the odds where only
evens can be found,tokens lifted
from the ground. Trickery is
not a part of this, for we in our
words find our own bliss.

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Giving up is never an option

 I find that life has not really been mine. I know that I cannot be the only one who feels out of place in their lives! Do you know that fee...