Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Loves Ambitions- Bathsheba Dailey featuring Juan Luna

(Juan Luna)
Ah, whoever said love didn't exist?
Maybe they thought love was dead,
Or they never kissed it on the lips..
Maybe they never seen a shooting star so they can't make a wish,
I guess I'm fortunate to have found a love like this.
My mom told me to always enjoy the finer things in life,
That is why you haven't left my sight.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,
But you were the one that caught my eye...
You are a true beauty I can call my own,
I can never see us apart...
Sticks and stones may break your bones,
But I'll never break your heart...
People believe the sky is the limit,
But we will go to outer space,
They don't understand our love and ambition,
So why should we listen to what they say?

(Bathsheba Dailey)
They ask why I love you so, they do not see
that since you have entered my life a half has
been formed into a whole. I watch the stars
that twinkle in the nights sky,The brightest
one reminds me of your teasingly eyes as
they look into mine without and disguises.
My heart beats to the rhythmic music that
plays on the radio, in the words I hear our
new found love song. I will love you between
now and all of eternity, no matter what anyone
tells me your love and heart now belongs to me.
I feel free and at home with you beside me, my
heart patters to your's beautifully. The words that
I write come from deep within my soul, two lost
forces together finding a home that was meant to
be, my heart and love is for you to only see.

I walk outside to a day of gloom, I think of you
and the clouds spread wide open only showing
me the sun that the storm has over shadowed
trying to hide. On my mind you can always be
found, in the dead of night I feel a lonesomeness
when in your arms I cannot be found. I dream of
you in my waking moments, I feel you in my sleep
and I know there are still unspoken words that are
needed to tell you of the reasons you make me want
to live a life that I ran from for so very long but for
now just know you are my only one.. My heart has
fallen for the perfect man!

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