Thursday, April 26, 2012

Haunts of loves past

Majestic memories linger
on my mind Breaking me
from the inside out
overshadowing my happiness
like an eclipse that only
last a fraction of mere
minutes but is remembered
for years to come.

I can act out my life like
I have never loved before
but in myself I would know
that is nothing more but a
make believe lie.I still
find you in my dreams sometimes
when I least expect it and
in my night sweats I try to
fight your memory away,bid it
goodbye as I try so desperately
to find myself in this new life
that I Frightenly stray.

Searchingly I linger away from
you!Trying to find me! How can
I move on and find complete peace
when always in me I find you
underneath?My mind will find its
peace as it has always done before
but for now it unwittingly listens
to the past through a fallen apart
love song.

Time will heal all wounds in time
I have always heard but what happens
when the wound was never covered with
the healing process that was needed?
In my dreams I will always ask what
more could I of done and what more
could you of ever needed!I was all
that I could be!At free will now I
shall take my leave!

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