Thursday, April 26, 2012

Heart shots

I will take you by your
hand and show you the
heart you tread so easily

With an uncertainty
you walk on make believe
egg shells waiting for
the last one to crack,
no faith in a heart that
awaits on your breathless
kisses and the pattering
of heartbeats that rhyme
together as if they are
in sync together in every
movement that the other
soul takes.

A love worth the fight
that holds no boundaries
in the conquest of
Greater things to come,
running against walls in
the mind of un-trusting
days spent alone in a
paradise not worth the
swimming of emotions
that once bonded two
insecure lost souls

Thrown apart from life's
beauties worrying about
the "could be's" always
underestimating the "will
be's". Emotionally dripping
with fears of goodbyes,scared
to death to say hello through
soulful loving eyes.Torn between
endless thoughts like a thorn
that has found its resting spot,
between the valves of a broken

Given in to take the shot,twirl
in it your mind.Disregard you're
bleeding soul,find love where
once rested turmoil that held
all control in vain.Shoulders
back and head held high,take a
chance before in death you live
in regret.

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