Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thoughtless thoughts

I am completely consumed
with my own perturbed
thoughts of thoughtlessness.
My mind is like a blank
page torn from a notebook
just looking for the words
to be scribed within it.

I walk in my own shadow
that was so covered with
another's occupancy for
so long that now I am made
too find myself in a world
so full of opportunities
that were forbidden to me
for so long.

I look for a complete fulfillment
of completion!I look to the
stars so sure there I will
find what I am looking for
strung together like they are
being weaved together just for
my eyes to rest upon.

A perplex feeling of gratitude
fills my soul with the knowledge
that the life I have lived brought
me to the doorstep that I now
knock on with a fragile strength
that only I can explain.My life
full of hardships and pain has
led me to where I rest my feet
at this very moment.I have fixed
the broken!

All of my trials and tribulations
are not over yet for my life has
just now begun but I have the
strength to overcome any obstacle
that could ever stand in my way
from my own success.I have been
blessed with my own fearless and
fragile self.

I am lost in my own thoughts of
thoughtlessness as I watch the
sun find it's way back into the
sky.I had lingered in this quiet
place through the entire night
and found myself finally standing
proudly in the light!

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