Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Misspoken words

Do not search me out anymore,
for I am not as forgiving as what
I have always been. Stay where
you suffer hidden depression of
not being excepted for who you
are and have always been, take
what you except and are given.

Useless words mean nothing
anymore, keep a relationship
that you feel insecure and so
unloved. Searching for what
you will never find,when in
the same place as always you
find your feet aboard.

Heart crumbles when hearing
pain that is afflicted upon you,
but help I cannot do if you are
to frightened to make wishes
come true. My own heart has
ached for far to long, eyes closed
you cannot see what this game
of cat and mouse has done to me.

All that has been asked is done,
nothing more can I do but run.
It is time to take steps that can
only be taken by you, you can
stay where you are at or make
all your dreams come true. For
I have no more energy to be
the only one suffering at the
hands of your minds fears of
the unknown.

Recklessly you find yourself
alone in the darkness, one day
you will see I am not always
going to be waiting by the phone
to clear your thoughts that
only I can understand like
they were my own. You
believe the one who tells
you that you are wrong,she
has never even meant the real
man for which she has been
with for so long.

I listen to what has always
been told, but after awhile
everything grows old. Do
what you wish, but the tales
of doing what is right has
taken its toll on me and our
dreams. I find myself losing
any hope in the words that
is given to me, I am tired of

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