Saturday, July 30, 2011


Live your life like there is no tomorrow showing all around you the person you want to be seen but hiding the real you as if in concealment of what people may think if they knew the real person that hides under her cloak in dispair and fear.

Live your life like there was no yesterday full of all the tears and heartache that consumed you for so long running from a shadow that seemed to always be on your heels trying to run you down and throw more obstacles in the way to bring you to your knees.

Living your life like you are being timed by a hour glass and the sand is slowly falling just waiting to speed up at the last moment right when you have finally decided to breath your life back into your lungs,the next thing you know your time is up and your life is gone.

Live your life for the here and now show everyone the person you truly are, hiding from no one, hiding under no cloak say the words you want to say never regretting the words never spoken. Live your life like there was no yesterday and tomorrow is just a maybe but not a sure thing, the hourglass is in a race and the sand has quickened it's pace.

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Giving up is never an option

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