Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A heart to never be seen

Screaming, pleading feels like my heart has stopped all beating. Crying and dying inside so many lies have got me down and making me wish for a place to hide. Head hurts, chest hearts more than anything my heart hurts.. Tired of the one's I love out to desert me, not realizing I would be anything that they needed. Sweet memories, loving embraces nothing more now than lies told to my face. Hiding inside of myself not wanting to be seen, to love people just causes me unwanted pain.

Invisible shield to hide myself from this world, never to leave it again.. never wanting to feel this pain and turmoil again , never will I let another see what hides beneath my heart that has yet again been ruined. I will smile in the face of those that say sweet things but trust me when I say the real me you will never see. Forgotten memories, torn to pieces heart I now am to live my life in the dark. Don't question me of what lies beneath, for even I cringe at the thoughts of the games that has destroyed the real me. From this day forward my heart will watch it's every beat.

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