Monday, September 5, 2011

Tunnel of darkness

Night sweats of being swallowed into a tunnel of darkness..
creatures of afterlife chasing me into sinking quicksand.
Turning back fighting away the darkness that follows me,
screaming out no one hears me. Stumble down on a deadened tree,
caught by it no escape to be seen. Crows circling in wait,
waiting for what is the hunted's fate. Branches to grab a hold of,
grabbing me back to suffocate the breath from me. Moon so bright
but cannot see, what chases after me. Legs hurt from the race,
escaping what could be my demise and ended fate. Light ahead of me,
wind fighting to keep me here in this place. Pulling my body back
to the trees, the ones that grabbed hold to suffocate me. Adrenalin
pumping through my body now, I have to get to that light that will save me.
Darkness on my heals, running faster from the killing fields. Weakness takes
over me, to the ground I fall to weep. Crawling forward just a little more,
out of hell's empowering door.

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