Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I want to hear you scream,
I want to feel you bleed
as your body falls limply
from my body!Your sinful
thoughts have been caught
by my very own enslaved

I am reading your mind!You
are trying to figure me out,
never did you think anyone
would have more power than
the devil your Bible has you
learn about!

You think I am dark and crazed
in the mind,I will show you
the reason you are now mine.
You were so sure your black
soul was one we could never

I will give you the reasons
you are now mine! You will
finally see it is through
your hate that I breed.I
was not blind,I can see all!
You made your mistake when
you let down your guard!

It started on a
spring day!You
were walking by
a old lady who
asked for your
help,instead to
her you took your
belt!A child then
not long after was
walking into traffic,
you could of saved
her!Instead you watched
as she was shredded
to pieces by that
tractor trailer!I
seen a bible at one
time on your night
stand,now to be torn
and in the fire pit
it has found its new
home,a sinful life you
now journey!

You thought you could hide from
me and all of my kind,we see you
for who you are and you have gone
to far! I taste the poison that
runs from your veins,you were made
to feel my pain!

You think I am dark!You think I
am crazed!You are just spitting
fire at me because your mind I
can read! Bend down onto your
knees now and beg me to release
your soul that you no longer need!

You think I belong in hell because
your puddle of blood is where I wish
to dwell,don't you by now see "Lucifer"
has nothing on me!

Sinfully Alive is my name,I find my
strength through your gutless pain!
Your darkened soul I now play with
as a game,your heart is to blame!

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