Friday, March 16, 2012

Lightning flashes deep gold
throughout the sky! People
are running in fear they are
intimidated into hiding,they
are now to realize their time
on earth is coming to an end.

The bolts of angry lighting
is striking anything in its
path,homes are lost from the
mere heat that is splitting
the earths ground.

You can hear screams as people
are consumed with the fire
that is eating them alive,their
once perfect skin now to them
is denied.The Devil has taken
over,life as we know it exposed!

You had been warned!You had been
given the signs!But yet you walked
in a sinful desire,never did you
believe you could be taken within
the blink of an eye!I am the Devils
spy,his loyal friend I am!

The children cannot be seen here
anymore,the lord took them home
where they belong!He has kept them
safe by his hand they now find real
love and can sing amazing grace with
no fear of their beliefs being thrown
in their youthful forgiving faces!

You tried to turn them away,you stopped
them from praying!Now you will suffer
the price,the Devil has taken all control
he spares no one their souls!You had
been warned!You had been given all of
the signs,after tonight the world will
no longer be here to find

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