Friday, March 9, 2012

Lost soul

She is a prisoner in her
own mind,running from a
life that she deserves to
find!Searching for the right
moment to take her life back
as her own,she is running out
of time but to her this is

A lost soul out to sea,troubled
and trapped in its very own
body!Only wishing for happiness
and the color of serenity,blissfully
free from the mistakes that others
reeked upon thee.

Taking what is given with to her,
mistakenly believing that is all
her worth,anyone to treat unfair,
left on the ground shattered,hurt
and always in despair!

A trickling smile to reach her face
with the littlest idea that she fits
in place.Her time is limited until
she grows stronger,praying that she
does not again crumble and falter.

A lost soul looking for her own
light,a life worth living without
so many struggles just to survive.
A heart that wants to be held gently,
not always broken down with a lifeless

She will walk through her world of
hurt until she finds the strength
to say no more.She thinks she has
all of the time in the world,never
realizing tomorrow may be no more!

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Giving up is never an option

 I find that life has not really been mine. I know that I cannot be the only one who feels out of place in their lives! Do you know that fee...