Sunday, August 21, 2022

Point of View

 So I have been wondering what would interest my readers other than poetry. You see, poetry is so much more than depression and being lost. I have never really wrote uplifting poetry in that way though. I wrote poetry to escape the demons that were always following me. I also had some demons that I allowed in my life that I had to let go of. I would write in order to deal with them and myself! I have always heard that poets are depressed by nature, but they could still write in either direction. I am not sure how much I believe that. 

A doctor named Dr. Ludwig compared the suicide rate between different professions to each other and he found that 20% of eminent poets had committed suicide whereas only a 4% of other professions had committed suicide. You can read more about this in an article called “Going early into the good night” by Felishia R. Lee, written in April 24,2004. 

I find this strangely true without all of the comparisons! We have always heard about the older days when poets would commit suicide but it never dawned on me why. Now in todays world we can see it more because of the internet. We see artist in all different walks of life that deal with a depression, oddly enough we do not see that as bystanders. There is something that lingers in an artists mind that gives them the ability to do what they do, more so artist that write in some form. Is it negativity or depression? Is it both which give them the mindset to write poetry or music that we listen to or read that leave us with shivers? 

This is something that most people do not think about or even see, but I do. I cannot count how many times that suicide was on my mind or that I took a handful of pills with liquor in hopes that I would not wake up. I always did, I am thankful for that now because I am more clear minded and see what that would have done to my children. So I guess it was just me allowing demons to control my life in the flesh and memory. 

So now you see my dilemma; as much as I have always liked to write, I am lost as to what of. One thing that I do know, whatever I write will reflect the feelings that I have at that time. I have never been one to cover up my words, even though I have always been a blank when my depression is at the highest. Maybe that is the manic in me, that is a whole different story though. 

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