Sunday, September 4, 2022


 Depression is something that most people deal with in life. Some can fake it away but it is always lingering its cruel head in the distance. Some of us deal with it on an everyday basis, sometimes for no reason other than that is just how you are. You can have a great life but forget that for a moment between the laughter and tears. Some of us try to be people pleasers and that is our worst enemy! We try to please everyone and forget that we exist and our feelings should not be put aside to protect the feelings of those around us. Why is that? Well for some it is linked back to childhood traumas that we will never age away from. 

What does that mean? Age away from? Well sometimes people try to convince us that our past has no baring on our lives now. As an adult you should be able to put that aside and move on. For the most part we do, we are the superhero’s that no one sees. If they do see us, they don’t acknowledge the severity of what we have lived through. They will tell you of all of their past and how hard it was, and they are just fine. However one persons trauma is never alike and a lot of people that say they are fine is dealing with it in other ways. They are either dealing with some sort of addiction or they cannot settle down into a stable relationship. They symptoms of trauma is across the board in so many ways. OCD, downward spirals, highs that have nothing to do with drugs, a feeling of worthlessness.. the list goes on. 

Right now i myself am dealing with it, I have a knot in my stomach that tells me i am either ready to explode or implode. Neither of the two are ideal, sometimes it really is what it is. Sometimes there is no reason for it that others can see. They don’t see it because they are wearing selfie glasses, yes I completely made up selfie glasses out of thin air. Another-wards they see their side of their tale and not the other side of the story. And that is okay… for them!  

THE REALITY IS, we all process life events in our own way. Some of us can cover up our feelings better and some of us can fake it… until we can’t!

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