Thursday, August 4, 2011

Cherishing the seconds

The sun shines down on such a radiating smile
that makes the blue of the sky match the sparkling
blue of his eyes, a smile that reaches all the way to 
his heart that can be seen a mile away through his
baby blues.

A soft caress, a gently lingering tickle that brings a
smile to my face and a giggle to my lips that he then
softly kisses until I melt to his body wanting to taste
more of his sweetness. Loving the feel of this closeness
again realizing everything I had been missing even more
than I had already known.

A chidish joke to be shared together making me feel like
a free sprite that I had lost so long ago. A flirt that makes 
me blush but remembering the woman I had once been.
Cherishing every second that we spend cuddled up together
laughing, talking and enjoying all of these things with my friend.

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