Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dissipating love

Trampling through a swirling wind.Please let me be, I have no more to give. My demise is coming from your very own hands, stop please with all of your lies and would be dreams. Give me time to spread my wings, taking enough from me have you not my sweet?

Souls searching not to find their mate, my love for you seems to only dissipate! Your memories I shall want no more....Lies in your heart to be told, leaves me trembling and obscure.Go away from me I plead of you, leave my heart wont you please. Tell me no more unless your heart is true, I wish to feel no more from you, giving my life is all I could do. So tired of searching and asking for what may be, so tired of looking to you trying to find me.

Tell me now for I will no longer wait! tell me before all my love for you shall dissapate into the blue. I am running away from you, my heart makes beats that leaves me wants something real and true. My soul shall have to wait and see what yours shall do. Give me reason to not take flight, give me reasons to wait for you on these lonely nights.

Tell me now for it is almost to late, My love for you continues to dissapate.

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