Showing posts with label love poems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love poems. Show all posts

Monday, October 1, 2012

Deserving tokens

Thoughts of the
mind play dusty
records of timeless
dreams,given pardon
among better things.

Perched high stands
freewill,only the
strong finds endless
fulfillment and 
completion upon
realizations that
life gives us what
is deserved.

Fights preserved 
for winning games,
energy saved until
life shows the way.
Dirt road paving
the way to beauty
and grace.

Whistling wind
chills the skin!Sun
finds the light
reflecting dimly
through a window
of grim.

Sealed tight never
to be opened,a life
of freedom in the 
safe words of spoken.
Pocket no longer
full of tokens!



Borrowed time

Never guaranteed are
the tracks under our
feet. Here today gone
tomorrow, lost time
can never be borrowed.

In and out has been
our best, time reflections
shows the rest. Sorrowfully
single image walks
away, given time no
longer stays.

Surrendered sparrow
soars mountain tops,
fallen tears never
forgotten against the
pain of yesterday.

Foolish heart finds
peace with unmade
decisions it never
reaped the endless

Heaven finds hell
in the circumstances
of tomorrow. Borrowed
time finds us today,
live it now or tomorrow
it may never be.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Untold melodies

Danger lurks like
hidden conflicts
among the young
and willing searching
for lights that
are dimmed across
treacherous seas,
waves hitting

Perched atop their
own battlefield
stands the beauty
of evergreen mountains.
To high to climb
they scream frustrated
cries of release.

Dreams run wild in
the images of the
other side that awaits.
frightened steps can
be felt under hesitant
boundaries of shuffled

Racing mind plays
tricks of what ifs!
Persistently scared
of risks un-taken,
un-told stories of
the forsaken reflecting
its meaning ever so
softly and deeming.

Tunnel of success
seen through the
hearts see where
no other can.Follies
are played out
apart from all
else,time consumes
the weary who in
themselves fine no

Endangered species
of ones self,heart
of steel turns the
hand of bluff.

Replenished soul
now grows bold,no
mountain to high
to climb when a
determination mind
takes hold.

Walks in the dark
sees no danger,among
the free thoughts
of strange melodies.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Slice of reality

Tunneled in my own
torments of hell
with no release.

Confused and dazed
by thoughts that I
find no escape.

Tricks of doubt
tickle what has
always been an

Love him completely
but can no longer
take what little
is only ever handed.

Want what I know
fills my heart and
soul,tired of just
having that when we
lose all control.

Ready to find the
future that always
stands behind bars
teasingly saying
just maybe.

Taking just another
slice out of reality
waiting for my true
love to finally see
we are always meant
to be.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Yesterdays lullaby

I cried last night for you
as I have so often done
time and time again. I
thought of our lovemaking
wrapped in each others
arms where safety has
always been found and
realized that just a little
in my memory my love
has finally dwindled to
an degree of uncertainty.

Steadfast I have held
You to my heart for
Years now gone by.
Never in my mind was
I to believe that goodbye
would be easily told to
my better half,for some
reason I feel it now.

I cried for what we have
together,the secrets
we so feverishly love
to share.Dreams of
days yet to come our
way but yet I feel the
ending slowly making
way to my heart.

I find our friendship
has blossomed to
it's fullest like it
has never been before,
we laugh freely at
each other like
children at play.
silly jokes are told
all hours of the night,
hardships are felt
in our plight.

I cried last night for
what I am losing, this
time by my own mind
of confusion. I feel
you where you have
always been, in my
heart and soul and
my very best friend.

I wonder why the tears
are now falling when
things seen so perfectly
different, wonderment
fills my thoughts of what
it could be. Maybe We are
like a game in overtime,
maybe there has just
been to much pain and
I am now to fall blind.

I cried last night in
thoughts of us, left
apart from my heart
I thrash. I want what
you keep at arms
length but not as
I done in other games.

I am prepared to lose
as always,but not
expecting the same
pain. It is apparent
now that the choice
is heavily left upon
your shoulders for
I have grown weary
but with a strength
of sureness.

You want what you
believe will not work,
soon enough though
it will not be your choice
anymore. I have loved
you half of my lifetime,
cried tears for what
you leave so easily

I am now living in my
mind of moving on,I
wish for you to place
all bets now or leave
well enough alone. Best
friends no matter what
choices are made but with
only friendship other
tokens are to leave
the board of games.

I cried last night for
what I have always
begged, soon enough
my tears will dry to
never be spilled again.
My soulmate is so very
near,it is time to make
our lives what they shall
always be.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Unguarded hearts

My mind frequents the
story of old tales of
lost hope and demands
of a past life that has
so many times been put
to rest.

Feverish body waits
patiently for the kisses
of pleasurable release
and fulfillment.Anger
bares no mercy when
thoughts of games
played comes to mind.

Weakness always finds
me in the dark waiting
sorrowfully for my
strength to be found
once again in words
of empowerment and a
see through heart.

A Blanket covers me
slowly as I feel the
lullaby of sweet kisses
tickling my heaving
breast leaving fiery
heat along the path
to success.

My dreams are filled
with desires that are
made to wait for his
fierce touches that
only my body will
forever crave and

I am left unguarded
as I allow my heart
to swallow in his
presence and eager
words once again.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Traces of acceptance

It is apparent that
the stars and moon
believes in everlasting
love and hope.Tears
dry abroad the shoulders
of right and truth.

Walking hand in hand
in minds peace,flesh
apart but for memories.
Feeling the pain of
another in silent words
of acceptance and release.

Wounds to heal torn and
shattered traces of lost
time spent fighting inner
demons at play.Angels grace
found among the fallen
wings of nothing-less

Sparks of fire burning
the soul until love can
gracefully tread where
belonged from the beginning.
Fears put on hold with
just the fraction of
moments spared.

Smile to tickle the lips
of the lost,with the
found.Light footsteps
taken when the do not
enter sign has been
pushed aside.Love to
find no boundaries
when felt through
and through.

Traces of breaking
found when the mind
can no longer deny
what is always there.
What hides behind the
fallen tears that
invisibly trickle
down the cheeks of
those in despair.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The arms of heaven

My thoughts stray to
the one in which I
belong.I wait for
the stars to link
themselves together
becoming the full
they have always
meant to be,patently.

My dreams are of
a past love full
of un-kept promises
that no other can
fulfill,two likes
coming together
as a completed one.

I search my memory
looking for that missing
piece that tells the
tail of what more was
needed even when told
I was perfectly right.

I feel within my own
mind things are never
as they seem.I feel
what no other could
ever find,his hidden
mind only I can find.

I would walk the shoes
of what another blindly
refuses to wear.Sing
the song of knowing and
feeling what is always
to be unspoken with the

Forever only starts
when the doors open
freely to what all
wants but blatantly
is to scared to follow
through with.Wants can
only happen when both
sides are prepared to
do their part in love
and war.

The turning back of
time will never come
to pass,only can a new
future be rewarded in
the hands of fate.I
hold no bars in lost
time of regrets.I am
not the missing link
seen through the stars.

I would happily walk
the shoes of the un-worn.
I am to sit home and
mourn the life not given
when it is obvious I
am the one who wants
to sleep in the arms
of heaven.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Time bomb

Camouflage grenades
explode behind my
heart telling me
that the time has
come to wipe the
wounds clean and
find the battlefield
clear of war and
useless battles
never won.

Opening of eyes tell
me that love comes
swiftly in and out
of my life just to
stop me from living
and breathing for
another second of
hopes and dreams
that disappear in
the gloom of nightfall
where nightmares and
lonesomeness are to
always be found.

Refusal of selfish
hearts and souls
calm my mind just
for a moment before
I see in the rear view
mirror of time that
this is a place of
well traveled roads
that never led to the
destination of home.

Blinded by spots of
curves the night
consumes me and leads
me to more sands of
swallowed pride that
only I must live in
waiting for the rope
to find it's place in
my grasp again to lift
me from.

Fallen for the devils
sweet words of lost
time I see heaven for
what it must be. A
picture of perfect
that will trick the
eye of the heart.Time
stands still lost in
sought-en out things
that fall just shy of

Meaningful things to
only myself,I bring
on my own pain of hell
searching for what
should find me.Losing
myself in the world
of forgotten I find my
own truth in tears shed.

Walking back to hands
of the ill just to
lead me once again
astray from deeper
caresses of thrill
that only the song
of true can solve
and spill into my
ears of wanting.I
betray myself with
wishes that fall on
a broken star,shines
just bright enough
but yet to far to
hear my plea.

A glistening of
never hits me off
guard in the waking
of time like a bomb
that finally found
it's mark.Wounds
re-opened leak the
feelings of past
deaths as I now
alone walk the dark.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Delusional foundations

It is in delusion that
life scatters new foundations
among the roads of less
traveled sparing the holes
that we are so easily ready
to sink upon destroying the
layers of protection that
took hardships to reattach
and fill in the dangerous
thoughts of yesterdays
soft melodies.

The promise of fruition
of a sweeter taste is
compromised and compressed
in my mind of knowing
better and fighting for
losing battles that I shall
never have the strength
to win or follow through
with as the dawn swallows
the night again leaving me
in the standstills of
yesterdays scars.

Poisoned spear reaches
already weakened body
of despair in the center
of what is in and out but
never found fair among the
minds of compared.Black
death of living in the
dark but being made to walk
the steps of the unbearable
seizes the light of the sun.

Driftwood stops the river
of pain just for a second
of a lifetime. Immortality
seems reachable and surprisingly
delicious even if just in
the thoughts of glory that
shall never come to pass.
Fringes of cloth unfold in
one desperate move of regrettable
satisfaction.Left alone
among the non-existing life
of told you so's in a hollow
of cold and played out games.

Walking away knowing in which
demons I play as I take another
piece from the board of life's
ever learning prospects of
loses and tears.Weak enough
to know better,strong enough
to want it anyway no matter
what comes to pass in the
lives of the doomed and
encouraging ghost that are
forever to shadow the walls
of needs.

Another lesson taught in
the salt of water dropped.
Another moment of perfection
that lingers wholesomely
in my heart of knots that
will just for another second
be forgotten on the spot.
Another smile that screams
it's frustrations inwardly
as it plays games of yesterday.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Silent stories

I love you more than
life itself, the scent
from your presence is
like the air that needs
to be inhaled to exist
in this life that some
think is a game of lost
and found.

The creases on your
face tells a thousand
stories that need to be
heard from lips to the
ears of the only one
who really ever cared.

I tell myself this is
not going to get me down
as I am enlightened to
enjoy what is brought
forward even if just for
another second in the day.

I warn my heart to stop
the pitter patter it so
loudly speaks knowing so
easily it will be taken
away from me.I am smart
enough to tell myself no
but to weak to listen up

I love you more than any
written word could explain,
in my mind though I know
you understand as you walk
the thoughts that only you
can hear.I ponder away my
degrees of fear and walk
where I am needed even if
just for a moment in lost

Monday, August 27, 2012

Scent full of memories

Scent still lingers
on My flesh, memories
to never forget as
they find their place
upon my mind of softly
spoken past goodbyes.

I find allowance where
I should hide, I know
better but I am not
strong enough to abide
by my own mind of

I fall when I say I
can stand, I cry
when I say never
again will that be
me! Never find
torments in what
should be forever
agreed upon.

I hate myself for
the tears that are
sure to fall and the
taste of salt finds
my lips where they
had finally dried
from long before.

I scream within my
grieving body for
walking the step
into hell where
heaven is to always
be found in the arms
of a life more grand.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

A thousand deaths

I find myself suffering
a thousand deaths that
so easily faces me once
again everyday that words
are not replaced by the
pen of an angels lips.

We tell stories that only
we can understand,missing
words found easily that
never need mentioned.Proper
just in the heart and soul
of the lost and remembered.

My thoughts swept away with
your memory!My mind a haven
for the feelings of a once
perfect feeling of combined
bodies and souls.Hearts never
left in the dark as they knew
the others inside and out.

In blissful harmony we danced
to lost loves and what could
of been with another but yet
safely in each others arms we
could ponder for we had no
rules to abide by and a better
understanding of what life at
one time held for us in our
broken hearts of loss.

I am spellbound to live in
this place that I know will
only bring unneeded heartbreak
as it always has but here I
am to stay forever lost in
your beautiful memory taking
chances that I know is no use
because fear riddles the mind
of the confused.

Songs of yesterday play loudly
within the crevices of my mind.
I fear and I want to run but
there is no head start when
you are left to tare away the
biggest part of your heart.I
stand still and find my strength
as life yet gives me another
dagger through my heart but
the seepage of lost feelings
bare no holds when life in you
is all the gives me a whole.

It is not fair and it is not
right to stray my mind back
into those unforgettable nights
but in your memory I am to never
win.The only thing that keeps
me breathing is the thought of
never with you being.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Meet me where dreams come true

Meet me where the stars
fall upon the ground in
a shattering of blissful
energy,an earth-quaking
of life felt against the
force of the invisible
bodies of soul bound

Meet me where the moon
tells us the story of
life where treasures
are to be found among
the living creatures
that sing their song
of grace and perfections
of the night.

Meet me where the sun
finds its way back
into the sky after it
has slept its weariness
away from the days
before,shining through
the branches of the
trees its heat can be
felt blissfully upon
our bodies.

Meet me where the ocean
sprays salt to our faces
to cover the tears of
loneliness that controls
the unknowns of tomorrow.
Crashing waves can be
heard hitting the rocks
of long ago creations of
God,beholding our spirits
for just a second telling
us where in life we belong.

Meet me where dreams
can always come true,
meet me in the arms
of you.Melt my body
to perfection in the
sound of your voice
and eagerness.

Meet me where love is
never missed,a kiss
to my lips to prove
this.On trembling
knees I beg,meet me
where the beginning
one day will end.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Puzzle pieces

Oblivious to living
as nights go slowly
by. Searching for the
answers that will never
be found. Wanting life
to step away just for
a moment as perspective's
are found.

feet as you plead!
What is next?what
lies in the horizon?
Does life go on?Is
there another half?
One not seen before

Aggravation takes
hold as conflicts
resides in the pit
of my stomach,I hate
myself for what I
desire the most.

I try to convince
myself I do not want
what I need.I tell
myself love is all
I crave even though
I know I am not in
love with who I stay.

Why walk down tracks
that are not meant to
be threaded upon?Why
suffer through heartache
of the missing pieces,
when across the room
is the one you shall
always seek!

Monday, August 20, 2012

The hidden mask

There is this hollow
cave that engulfs me
within myself. I fill
my voids that is fulled
with someone I can
never truly be a part

I stagger through my
days wondering when
the fall will come
and leave me tattered
and bruised,from
inside out.A mark
on my being that I
know does not belong,
yet has to be.

Like the wind I get
blown away just from
the mere pleasure of
a filling that will
never be my complete
feelings.I speak a
thousand words but
yet I wonder am I
really ever heard,
does he even know
who I am?

I am sure that the
possibly of him ever
knowing who hides
deep within my soul
is just a dream that
shall never come true,
for I would know that
feeling and it has
not came to pass as
of yet and deep within
that is what I want.

Leave me to the dark
to bid my memories
hello,even in them
I am always to feel
so much more.I know
what I need and I know
what I yet do not
feel,but yet I find
my mask and place it
where it shall for
now and always stay,
upon my heart and

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Cravings of yesterday

I crave the feeling of
those tender arms
that lifts me up
giving me anticipation
of finding heaven.

Legs shake with
wanting and desire,
hearts race talking
to each other in
their own whispering

A shiver to play
sweetly along my
neck as your lips
touch me in the
softest of melodies
that take my breath

I crave that missing
feeling that sits in
the center of my heart
like a pedal finding
air once again warming
to the touch of the

A starlit night with
the sounds of the un-
known coming to life
as a million words we
speak to each other
quietly,only our minds
hear the words we leave
lingering in between the

That perfect feeling
of being one,being
intoned with another
person that will only
happen once in a lifetime.
No barriers to put up,
no lost words to hide
behind a mask!No reason
to be hidden behind the
flask of a drink,no lost
meanings to be discovered
when finally found.

The feeling of complete
just as being what life
wished us to be.No running
behind closed doors to
leave shadows among the
walls,no reason to fake
that perfect smile.

The arms that fulfill
all and in between,the
love of your life that
will not easily ever be
forgotten no matter how
hard you may try to find
another to take that place
that long ago was given.

No replacements can ever
walk the line of my heart
no matter how much I am to
lie and fall apart,disguise
with a new life to embark.

I crave the nights of
long ago!I walk away
back into the cold as
I put on my mask of fake
and bold.I sleep now
in the arms of another,
my dreams of you I will
always no matter what

Friday, August 17, 2012

Suppressed infinity

Awkwardly silent inside
of my own thoughts
I scream
I search
I feel

awkwardly silent within myself
I suppress

I forfeit my air teasingly
just for a moment
just for a second
do I still exist?
do I still breathe the air given to me?

I let the air out from between my lips

I lay still keeping my soul bonded
forcefully not allowing it to leave from within
halting it to stay steadfast
it lays in waiting
to take flight
it escapes at night
while I sleep it finds me
without control
it leaves

On my knees I hold in life
the pit of my stomach tightens
I feel it ball into knots
it searches for release
it finds nothing

In the quickening of the night
my mind plays silently
searching for infinity
I find nothing

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hearts of faith

Wrap me softly in
the words of your
hearts whisper.Tell
me things through
your soul that only
I can hear.

Shoulder me against
your body,touch my
mind through the
thoughts that we
can hear without
the voice of our

Plummet all of my
fears into the
earths ground,like
snow to melt never
to be found again.

My breath intakes
as I feel your pulse
race in anticipation
for our tomorrows,our
yesterdays erased
and forgotten and
to always be left
now in the dark.

I hear you speak a
million things in
your silence,in the
pit of my stomach
I feel your wants
and observations
of the dreams that
are never to be left
behind.I hear you
mind and dance your
song of trusting

I grasp my heart now
and run into arms of
the forgiving,my heart
now to race as I
find my own way back
into my yesterdays of

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Made up falsities

I am giving up,Laying my
life upon the ground.No
use peering at un-won
battles that were never
worth the fight of my
mind leaving me to always
be unsound as I remember
and look around through
the back door they are
always to be found.

You think you see and
know the story well
but the slumbering
truth from alls mind
shall always dwell
unseen among the earths
floor of misery that you
see as unpure along
the lines of the canvas
that within bleeds the
truth that will never
be seen by such a cold
entity worth nothing.

You walk the dream that
you deserve to see and
feel what hides beneath,
it takes heart,it takes
soul,understanding those
that you think you are
in control.You breathe
the breath of worthier
than another among the
streets that you walk,
you will be one of the
forgotten for in your
mind there is no other.

I will forfeit this life
that I have lived with
open arms and memories
of what once was so easily
given.I am one with the
past and inclined to throw
away the future ridding
all that may walk my way,
I am just a stray that
leaves her mark upon the
back of falsities.

Giving up is never an option

 I find that life has not really been mine. I know that I cannot be the only one who feels out of place in their lives! Do you know that fee...