Showing posts with label quotes from the heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quotes from the heart. Show all posts

Monday, August 20, 2012

The hidden mask

There is this hollow
cave that engulfs me
within myself. I fill
my voids that is fulled
with someone I can
never truly be a part

I stagger through my
days wondering when
the fall will come
and leave me tattered
and bruised,from
inside out.A mark
on my being that I
know does not belong,
yet has to be.

Like the wind I get
blown away just from
the mere pleasure of
a filling that will
never be my complete
feelings.I speak a
thousand words but
yet I wonder am I
really ever heard,
does he even know
who I am?

I am sure that the
possibly of him ever
knowing who hides
deep within my soul
is just a dream that
shall never come true,
for I would know that
feeling and it has
not came to pass as
of yet and deep within
that is what I want.

Leave me to the dark
to bid my memories
hello,even in them
I am always to feel
so much more.I know
what I need and I know
what I yet do not
feel,but yet I find
my mask and place it
where it shall for
now and always stay,
upon my heart and

Monday, May 14, 2012

Tormented games of hope

I have so much but yet
I have nothing at all,
these are just fabrications
of my restless mind that
dauntingly struggles in
the endless games that my
mind always seem to play
with me.

I am tormented in the
shadows of myself as
I run into the unknown
searching for a darker
light that only abides
by my own feverish fear
of what I should be,anyone
but me!

A tint of colors soulfully
fill in the missing outlines
of my mind.Dark hues find
their way to overshadow what
the full picture wants you
to find,what the naked eye
wants you to see.

I try to see tomorrow as
an new found friend that
is just right around the
bend across-ed that swaying
bridge,I freeze within!I am
covered in thick skin as I
leave my hearts mind too

My soul bleeds the color
of yellow as I stay fastened
in the life I am too scared
to live.Life awaits only for
those that have the strength
to live and breathe.I shower
dreams and hopes in the minds
of those that I love the most
but in the end I am so very
scared to tie my shoes,I stand
still in my tracks that now
are covering up with dust.

I am content in my own
minds prison!I walk the
line and find myself hidden
behind a life that I
sometimes wish could be
written in chisel and
stone,finding myself in
my own tormented body
made of pain and forbidden

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Love comes from deep within your heart, your mind is only a fraction to the happiness you could behold in living your life to the fullest...while you have it to live!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hearts coming undone, embraces of your sweet love, always to send me back into memories of what once was....

Saturday, October 1, 2011

When life takes you down a lonely and heartbreaking road, make a u turn and go the other way.. the direction you take is up to you and no one else!!!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Thursday, September 15, 2011

my heart cries out for you, pretty smiles I put on my face are only hiding the tears I cannot erase :'(

Thursday, September 8, 2011

dreams can only be made to come true if they are shared with the person who shares them with you

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

In a poets world nothing is left unread..
nothing in our heart goes unsaid..
we spill our life's dreams, hopes and
many other things that weigh heavily
on our minds and just hope to reach
another's heart in the thing we wrote!!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

give me your heart and soul and I will give you a love that never grows old!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

When you love someone, you love them through and through...nothing about them goes unloved even if not understood!
Promises may be made to be broken , but our hearts cannot tell the difference between a broken promise or a broken heart!!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Fate and faith intertwines with each other, you have to have faith that fate will bring you and your soul mate together..whether here or in the afterlife!!

Giving up is never an option

 I find that life has not really been mine. I know that I cannot be the only one who feels out of place in their lives! Do you know that fee...