Showing posts with label love for a child. Show all posts
Showing posts with label love for a child. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Untold melodies

Danger lurks like
hidden conflicts
among the young
and willing searching
for lights that
are dimmed across
treacherous seas,
waves hitting

Perched atop their
own battlefield
stands the beauty
of evergreen mountains.
To high to climb
they scream frustrated
cries of release.

Dreams run wild in
the images of the
other side that awaits.
frightened steps can
be felt under hesitant
boundaries of shuffled

Racing mind plays
tricks of what ifs!
Persistently scared
of risks un-taken,
un-told stories of
the forsaken reflecting
its meaning ever so
softly and deeming.

Tunnel of success
seen through the
hearts see where
no other can.Follies
are played out
apart from all
else,time consumes
the weary who in
themselves fine no

Endangered species
of ones self,heart
of steel turns the
hand of bluff.

Replenished soul
now grows bold,no
mountain to high
to climb when a
determination mind
takes hold.

Walks in the dark
sees no danger,among
the free thoughts
of strange melodies.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Successfully lost

Success finds me
slowly as I take
time out to find
my soul lost upon
the horizon.

Like Apollo I am
smitten for what
my heart desires
and no one else.
I wait out the
hourglass as the
sand slowly trickles
by making way for
new life to quietly
be replenished.

I take a bow as
now it can no
longer be denied,
my life belongs
to the one who
carries my other

My missing beats
find me where they
have always been
lost.A doorway
opens my mind
with endearing
thoughts of what
I know is to
always follow.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Unguarded hearts

My mind frequents the
story of old tales of
lost hope and demands
of a past life that has
so many times been put
to rest.

Feverish body waits
patiently for the kisses
of pleasurable release
and fulfillment.Anger
bares no mercy when
thoughts of games
played comes to mind.

Weakness always finds
me in the dark waiting
sorrowfully for my
strength to be found
once again in words
of empowerment and a
see through heart.

A Blanket covers me
slowly as I feel the
lullaby of sweet kisses
tickling my heaving
breast leaving fiery
heat along the path
to success.

My dreams are filled
with desires that are
made to wait for his
fierce touches that
only my body will
forever crave and

I am left unguarded
as I allow my heart
to swallow in his
presence and eager
words once again.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

For a bullies sake

Indestructible inability
to see straight in the needs
that have to be compressed
into the day ahead,falling
short of the strength that
is needed to guide me onto
the path that needs to be

Devil in his cruelest deed
taking nothing less but all
of me.Deceived minds play
havoc to life's beauty,
uncertainty spare's no
innocent lives in the
tormented days of fallen
hopes and dreams.

Success fails one in
a mind that believes
grievance has taken
hold of what shadows
the deepest of perplexed
feelings and heartfelt
cries of fear and doom.
Walking the halls of
hell as the fire consumes
bodily flesh with the
words of unknowing

Complications are to
follow when happiness
is lost among the words
of hate and greed that
folly from the mouths
of those who just don't
see what is laid to rest
with what seems nothing
but a game of chess to
be won when tears are
to fall silently.

Empowerment to be found
in the pain of another.
Smiles to find the faces
of those to naive to see
the invisible scars that
are left behind with the
words of deceit and stupidity.
Another soul to be lost
in the world of love and
hate,no where for some
to escape but within
their own minds of
frustration and wishes
of death to take.

Monday, August 20, 2012

The hidden mask

There is this hollow
cave that engulfs me
within myself. I fill
my voids that is fulled
with someone I can
never truly be a part

I stagger through my
days wondering when
the fall will come
and leave me tattered
and bruised,from
inside out.A mark
on my being that I
know does not belong,
yet has to be.

Like the wind I get
blown away just from
the mere pleasure of
a filling that will
never be my complete
feelings.I speak a
thousand words but
yet I wonder am I
really ever heard,
does he even know
who I am?

I am sure that the
possibly of him ever
knowing who hides
deep within my soul
is just a dream that
shall never come true,
for I would know that
feeling and it has
not came to pass as
of yet and deep within
that is what I want.

Leave me to the dark
to bid my memories
hello,even in them
I am always to feel
so much more.I know
what I need and I know
what I yet do not
feel,but yet I find
my mask and place it
where it shall for
now and always stay,
upon my heart and

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Arms of a angel

Still doing time in the arms
Of an angel, remembering
The feeling of being wrapped
Tightly in the embrace of
The only one who has had
The whole me. Freely we
Danced, tears felt upon
Our cheeks.

Trapped in the past
Fighting for the future,
Lost in time listening
To the words of that
Song that brought us
Closer together but
Still lost to us in a
Forever downfall.

She is lost in time
And remembers
The song that he
Is to always carry on
his own mind as
She is left to wonder
Does he realize those
Same words describes
Her own feelings for
Him still today. She will
Always be lost in the
Tunes of his yesterday's.

I am still doing time in
The arms of an angel,
Hearing his sweet voice
Sing the song so clearly
Into my ear, feeling his
Forever lingering tears.

I will never stop loving
The one the stars pointed
Me to, when the wreath
Is upon my door then
Maybe just maybe I will
Forget the one who
Stole my heart for his

I am left to guard all
That I am for it only
Has ever belonged to
One man.He covers
His face with a mask,
No matter how hard
We all may try the past
Will never die.

Friday, August 3, 2012

drug induced beauties

I remember the days
when you were free
from the demons that
play so heavily on your
shoulders,just a small
girl with the world
ahead of her.

Ponytails and childish
smiles played on your
lips that always drove
my heart wild wishing
you were the baby I
yet did not have.Under
my wing I took you
showing you what love
was all about when your
own family was to busy
to worry about their child.

Food in your mouth and
a brand new room,you had
never had such and the
excitement on your beautiful
face was just enough to
bring tears to my eyes
and fight the battles that
were ahead,just to see
you in a soft bed and
loving arms.

I had to let you go,now
a woman with her own,
you are lost to all and I
feel helpless as I have
had to continue to watch
you fall to the hate and
greed that drugs and your
own hopelessness has
turned you to be.

A beautiful mother you
are no longer,a beautiful
soul I see slaughtered.I
have done it once,twice
and now more than I can
count.Take you back in
and fight your battles,I
miss the person I know
you are,I miss the baby
I more than once held
in the dark.

Where are you as you walk
in the same clothes as days
before?Why do you not see
a new beginning can only
start when you see yourself
like me?Your own so called
family puts a needle to
your arm,crushes the pills
that sets your nose afire,
when will you ever learn
they are nothing but predators
that care not if in flames
you burn?

You say now even around
me you do not feel comfort
but do you not see the girl
you have turned?Always
blaming the other person
like they have all control
over your life,the one that
only you can live.It starts
with you and no one else,
only you can drag your
soul now out of your own
made hell!

When and only when
you have decided to
take blame for your
own actions and be
the person that I know
you can be,can you now
walk through the door
that belongs to me!You
may say what you want
about me,no worries my
beautiful daughter,I know
it is the drugs that now
only speak!

I love you even when
you think you are nothing
but worthless and crazy!
I see the heart that still hides
in fear,stop letting others
tell you that you are nothing
and then and only then
will you have a chance
once again to be free within
and dance in the rain,only
then will you by yourself
stop the pain that was sent
to you by hell!!

I love you lacy and please
find your way back to the
people who really love you
and not the ones who want
to drag you down with them!
Please think of your babies
and your family you will
always have with me!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Bleeding tears

Tear soaked pillows with
endless grief, solitude
like no one could ever

A heart to be shattered
once again,no one wants
this child in pain!Left
alone wondering who to

Holidays hold no joys at
all for them,all they see
is more lonesome friends.
Homeless,parent less and
hopelessly alone.

A child on her own searching
for answers she will never
find.Parents gone away with
a life she was not permitted
to be a part of.

Tears of love,tears of sadness,
tears she feels bleeding every
night on her pillows.Sheets she
alone will change when morning
comes,out the door her dreams
once again runs.

Give her hope,give her joy,
lets just for once fill her
void.A cup of tea,a bite of
bread, a dry pillow to lay
her head.

A single word to fill her
heart,a single line to give
her hope,a single poem to
give her meaning,a single
book can mean tonight she
will be eating!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Childhood wonders

Mud puddles under their feet, splashing like a child enjoying the games the rain have brought for them to play. Walking a distance hearing a sound, wondering what that could be as they walk to it to see. Seeing the squirrels racing up and down the trees as if in a game of tag, saying you can't catch me. Giggling as they walk away looking for more to see on such a wondrous day. Children singing as they jump their ropes, no worries on their minds as they set out to play. Darkness has fallen and the lightning bugs start to glow, chasing them, holding them in tiny hands just to see them flashing their lights wanting to escape and fly away. Sitting by a campfire roasting smores, begging to stay up just a little later, just one more marshmallow before we have to go indoors. Snuggled tight in the bed remembering the day that has just past and all the days ahead.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The picture on my desk

The picture on my desk

Inflicted pain on this heart of mine reminds me of all the miles we share apart,traces of shadows
still lingering in the corners reminding me of what was lost between us. A single teardrop falls from my eye as I look at the picture that is still placed on my desk, you are still the strength that binds me to living such a life that I sometimes cannot help but to detest, but yet other times I can see all that I have and feel so very blessed. In my heartache I can now see so much more clearly that you have and always will be here for me. As I take baby steps back into my life I look once again at the picture on my desk and smile a smile that has never been so bright. I know that one day we will have the dreams that we made but until then I am the only one that can save me..

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sleeping smiles

Laying there looking so sweet,
hair falling in your face as you
sleep dreaming of childhood things.
Seeing your lips as they curl in a
smile bringing a smile of my own.
Hearing a whimper as you sleep,
making me worry of what you see in
your dream. Pushing your hair back
as I kiss your little cheek telling
you everything is okay it was just a
dream, watching you drift back to sleep.
regretting any argument we may of had that
day as I watch your sweetness as you sleep.
Wanting to keep you young, I never want you
to be out on your own. I may be being selfish
but to ever see you get hurt just kills me.
I watch you as you sleep and hold you closely
to me, in hopes you will never leave me. A
smile once again touches your face as I give you
another loving embrace.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Caresses of undying love

May her guardian angel caress her brow with 
the tender touch of her undying love that will
uplift her soul in rejoice for the life that was 
spared at the end of her darkend tunnel.
May her spirit guild bring her peace in her 
heart for the battles that are to come with her
long road home to us and the lord kiss her hand 
with his healing powers that only he can give.
May her family be her backbone that only they can 
give with this new life she is to live.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A parents love and loss

How devine to look down at such a sweet face,
cherishing every minute we shared in this place.
We watched as you fought your battle so strong,
at times it seemed as if you could not be so

We watched your eyelids as they moved in your
sleep a tiny smile that seemed to glow on your
face so sweetly.We now wonder if you already
knew what was getting ready to take place.Did
you know you were going to live with our heavenly
father at such an young age?

We feel such sorrow for the loss that we have had
to bare,but we will always remember the love and
smiles that were shared.To feel you in our arms
once more is something that we will have to wait
for,when we come home to you with our heavenly
father we can then be together for ever more.

Until we meet again you will always be in our
hearts and souls,loving you was the best test
of all.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

First steps

You breath your life into a child the moment that
they are conceived, waiting for the day you two
shall meet.

You hold them tight in your arms and in your heart
from then on they shall always be,loving every moment

You listen to them as they cackle and coo waiting for
the day you hear them call for you.

You watch them as they take their first step,so scared
that they may trip.Holding your arms as wide as can be
motioning them to walk toward you slowly.

You watch them as they grow wondering where the time has
gone,remembering all the storys and lullabies songs.

Your babies grow up and move on into this big old world
where there is so much turmoil.

You cannot help but want to keep them small protecting
them from everything and all.

Giving up is never an option

 I find that life has not really been mine. I know that I cannot be the only one who feels out of place in their lives! Do you know that fee...