Monday, August 22, 2011

Nameless man

She wakes with a start, her nights have been filled with a restlessness and she feels deprived from sleep. She has the same daunting dream every night, it never wavers it is always the same dream that leaves her with a wanting like she has never experienced before.

She has went into the forest as she does everyday looking for blackberries to pick, she enjoys the walk into town where she sells them to the market for extra coins that will help her buy flour and cornmeal for the month. She some how has walked off of her normal path when seeing clusters of blackberries beyond the trees headed to the north. These are not the blackberries she has grown use to picking, they are plumper and looked to be juicer than any she had ever seen before. She forgets to mark her trail in the excitement of spotting the blackberries.

She has picked and picked until her fingers are bleeding and hurting so she decides it is time to retreat from the blackberry bushes as much as she dreads so. She notices it is a lot later than she anticipated it to be and feels a little lump go to her throat when she realizes she was lost. She scurries trying to find her path before the night falls and she goes deeper into the forest without being aware of it.

The darkness is falling and there are night shadows falling into the forest now and she is just as lost as she was an hour ago. She is getting more frightened as the time past and starts to feel pure fear running through her veins, quickening her heart and making her knees shake unbearably. She hears something following her and takes off into a run losing the beautiful blackberries she had spent hours picking but right now she had more things to worry of. She finds a tree with low branches and climbs it in a hurry and not to soon does she make it to the top, peering down from the tree she sees a clan of coyotes bouncing and jumping trying to reach her. She just stares at them in fright but feels relief that she knows they cannot reach her here and for now she was safe.

She has been in this tree for hours and the coyotes have never wavered in their tormenting cries to get their meal, which just by happened to be her. They have grown more irritable with their scurrying about trying to reach her and she has grown so weary and tired that she feared sleep would over take her and send her plunging to the ground, right into the path for the creatures to make her their supper. She has got to plan her escape but her tiredness has flooded her mind with nothing more than the thought of sleep. This was hopeless and sleep was now taking over her.

It had seemed like she only slept for mere minutes when she heard the tormenting coyotes start to cry out in fright and pain and a ringing sound was heard in her ears. She gazes down to where the coyotes once were,only now to be replaced with another creature but this one was easy to the eyes to be seen, he sat on a great stallion with the eyes the color of what could only be called beautiful violet. His hair was the color of the sky at it's darkest hour and his skin looked to be sunbathed. He is looking up at her hiding in her tree of safety with the most daring smirk on his lushes lips. He asks her in a toying way if she planned on bedding down in the tree for the remainder of the day or would she prefer to stretch her legs and retreat to her cabin that awaited her. She was not in any mood to play in this mans amusing game but was overjoyed with the prospect of leaving this place that had held her captive through out the night. He held his hand out to her with confidence in his sparkling eyes, knowing she had know choice but to climb down to him and grasp his hand for safety. When she reached the ground in safety he then once again reaches his hand down to her, asking if she would like to join him on his stallion and he would deliver her home where she would finally be safe from the forest wandering creatures.

Once again she takes his hand as he lifts her up behind him with a feeling of lightning pulses rushing through her body. She wraps her arms around his waist to hold on knowing he is riding this speed just to tease her. They are taking the long way home following the river that she lounges by when she is in her fantastical dreamy world. She loves to sit by the water dreaming of her prince charming coming to her rescue and saving her from the lonesomeness that fills her days. She sees her cabin in the distance and feels a relief but also a dread knowing her time with this strange and bewitching man was almost over. He lifts her off of his stallion at the embankment of the river that flows before her home and gives her a glance of longing as her takes her hand to his lips kissing it in a goodbye. He then turns back in the direction they had just came from and gives her one more lingering stare as he makes his way back to wherever he had came from. She watches as he disappears into the day, leaving her with a wanting that she had never thought to be possible and one she would soon not forget.

She regrets everyday not asking the name of the man who rode his stallion into her life and right back out again.

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