Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Who's to know the right timing?

Treacherous hearts looking for ones to break!
How many tears can one human cry?
When does the games of fun come to an end?

How many sleepless nights will it take?
To fall asleep not thinking of you a bit!
How many times will I cry out for you?
How many times will you ignore this to?

When do I make the first move out?
Not just one that I regret in the end!
How many times will I beg forgiveness?
Drawing you to our secret meeting place!

When will I know the time is right?
When will I give up on this hopeless fight?
How many times will I hear the same story?
How many times will you tell it?

Time is running out for you and me!
When will you let fate take its place?
How many times can I drift off to sleep,
tears drying on my reddened cheeks?

How will I know when the time is right?
If you are to scared to fight the fight!
Are we to just let things be as they are?
When we die who will regret the most?

I have fought the fight, now its your turn to make it right!

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