Sunday, October 30, 2011

Life full of mazes

Dazed and confused, life so full
of mazes, never knowing which turn
to make or use.

My mind to go through tunnels that
can be so black at times, words that
I really cannot understand or define.

My heart to take a loving beat,so very
scared of once again being defeated in
the end. My love to be fringed!

Ready to make a brand new start,throw
the past where it belongs.In the dark!
Peaking threw the door,scared once more.

A heart that wants to love so much,fear
to put it on hold.Dreams to be,unsure if
they are really for me.

Scared to live my life, more fears to hit
me at night. Sky to open up and swallow
me, once again my fear leaves me in misery.

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