Friday, October 7, 2011

Soul mates for life

No words could ever define
the way you broke this heart
of mine, tears never to stop
leaving my eyes. A heart that
is forever entwined.

My days go by slowly dying like
a rose on an severed vine. The
pedals lightly hitting the ground,
not a living one is to be found.
Leaves turning browner everyday.

No longer do I feel like I am flying
high singing a song as the wind
blows by. Like a songbird who lost
his wing, never again to hear him

Like a killer whale under the sea,
losing the one that was meant to
be. Never again to find another
mate, they only love the one that
was brought by fate.

Never again will my mind and heart
be set free, all these things is how I
felt when you left me. Blinded by the
light when I wake up at dawn, already
knowing the new tears that shall fall.


  1. Really nice and would compliment one of my photos if you let me :o)

  2. Please do and then will you post it to my wall on Facebook? and thanks for following my page <3


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