Thursday, October 27, 2011

Trust in me

Bring me peace and mind loving me
for the person I never hide.

Give me comfort in the time we have,
making memories we will never forget.

Show me a life full of happiness and cheer,
one that I feel when you are near.

Breath your life into me, make me feel the life
that I crave to feel.

Trust me as I will you, never tell me anything
that is not anything but the truth.

Bring me peace and mind loving me for the person
I never hide.

Give me your friendship and I will give you one
like no other.

Show me life is not one that is full of heartache
and I will give you all of me.

Breath your life into me and I will give you one
you will always crave.

Trust me as I will you and I will never be untrue
or unworthy to you.

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