Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Deep breaths

It is not wrong for the way that I feel,
when so long ago it was so easy for you
to steal my heart that had always been
made of steel.

Waiting for the day to come, when you
would prove the words that you said,and
we would finally be one.

I have sat on a shelf remembering so many
things, most of the time hating that my
body could still continue to breath.

Holding on to all of our memories,listening
still to the words you would have me to always

I have proven time and time again that I would
do anything to make you be proud to be my man.
But sitting here alone I still am, just the same
as when we first began.

Wondering why life has to be so cruel, using
my heart against me like a sharpened tool. My
mind believed all that it was told,my body now
has grown so cold.

My heart now I shall scold,for believing that
I finally had a love to hold. Taking again a
deep breath, wishing it would be my last.

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