Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Shattered pieces

She is spent as her knees are held
to her chest, arms protecting her
body as her chin finds a resting place.

Her eyes are darkened with tear trails
staining her face,she feels the wetness
of her tears as they make their way down
her chest,they find their resting place.

Her heart has been shattered into a
million pieces, her mind has been once
again taken for the devils greed.

Her soul is lost in the darkness in which
she hides, her memories were built on
a handful of lies, she has learned to hate
and despise.

She rocks back and forth as the tears
start to dry, she sees the moon in a
different light.She feels nothing now
but despite! It seems to somehow make
everything feel alright.

She no longer searches for the light of
his eyes, she is left in this place that
keeps her safe,her heart turned black
now,her heart never again to break!!

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