Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Coming undone

I have come undone,I will
treat you like you were to
me nothing,a bad memory.

Feel my chest that once
beat rapidly at your touch,
nothing now but a small
listless flutter.

I get irate everytime I
have to hear your name,
the sound of it is poison to
my ears.

My hands are tied behind
my back,I want to attack
you with all that I have.
Break bad,how sad!

My hate for you is something
I need to contemplate, your
voice and face in my mind I
want to dissipate,forever hate.

I don't want to hear your words
anymore, they fall on deafened
ears and mean nothing to me now
but another crushing storm.

Our communication was broken
as so many times before,now to
me your token has been brushed
onto the now littered floor.

Take your memories and walk
away from me, stay and your
heart will be made to bleed.

I have found the devils seed,I can
finally breath,not so easy now to
deceive me.

Look at me from a glance, if you
look real close you will see my heart
now lays in the devils hands,he has
now taken your memory away from

So walk away while you have a chance,
you will find nothing here but a girl lost
in her own trance! Dancing a sinful dance!


  1. the heart once loved someone...... emitting hatred for the same.

  2. You hit it right on the nail! But not pure hate as it may seem, a hurt hate!


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