Friday, February 3, 2012

My Girls

I love the way you look
so fresh in the morning,
even when you are crying
and moaning wanting just
another minute in bed.

I love your sweet little
smiles,I can see irony all
over your face,I start to
look for a broken vase.

I love the way your eyes
get real wide,the story
you are telling you explain
was wild,at least to a

I love the way you get
real excited,your room
is now spotless and you
want to prove it.

I love the way your eyes
switch in your sleep,smiling
at whatever it is you are

I love you from here to the
moon,I am dreading the day
that my baby girls are grown.

You will always be sweet and
perfect to me,always my baby
girls no matter what your age
may be.

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