Thursday, February 9, 2012

The perfect ending

Your heart has taken a grasp of
mine,I cannot hold these feelings
in any longer.You arms around me
makes my mind wander into far off
places,our lives spent together
for the rest of what remains.

I feel free,I feel relief,I have
finally found the man that was
molded just for me.Tender embraces,
a kiss to your loving face,in your
arms I feel my safest.

My nightmares have been replaced
by sweet dreams of lullabies,fears
gone now of old memories,only dreams
of the rest of my life being spent
with the man who holds the other half
of me can I see.

Is it fate?Was this meant to be?Had
we suffered heartaches from so many
others so we would have the pleasure
to meet?Was our lives already written
in the moon and stars,did they lead
you to me?

I almost missed my chance,it makes
me shudder to think of you not being
here with me.My courage finally took
hold and I meant the man whole truly
make me feel whole.My fright was spell
bound on my previous life,never had I
been treated right.

I finally opened my eyes and listened
to your words,from then on out I knew
this love was one worth the fight,my
heart now being treated right!

I hear our story in the love songs
that play on the radio!My heart beats
to the tune of yours!Our souls intertwined
dancing to a lost memory,worlds apart
they finally see they had found the one
they so often had seeked.

We have just begun to live our lives
the way that we had dreamed of for so
long.The perfect beginning to a happy

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