Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Soulful lies

In the fraction of
just a moment lives
change and become
nothing more but
lost treasures never
to be found again.

The sun still rises
finding dawn once
again,cars still
drive by as if the
world still goes on
like it has always

You drawl in air and
feel it fill your
lungs and you know
that you live but
lost is the feeling
of life as it once
was and should of
always been.

The moon finds me
lost in my moments
of failures and
takes me to a place
that I forever want
to leave,but yet I
am made to still
gulp in the air that
I wish would leave
me be in peace.

I taste the salt that
finds my lips with the
tears that I have held
in through the day.I have
once again found the
goal that I always give
myself in the mornings,
smile,laugh,push the
sparkle into my eyes,
spare my soul and lie.

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