Friday, August 19, 2011

Binding threads

Binding threads keeping small no nonsense things together, Clothing that can be replaced or a quilt that you remember not the name behind the story of the beauty you hold in your hands but yet have cherished and handed down for generations to your loved ones. Binding threads that hold things together means not as much as binding threads that hold the union of friendship and family together, this is something that eludes us as the time goes by and memories of what once was drifts off into the back of our minds not remembering the times we have had and the feelings of wonder that filled our hearts. Binding threads slowly wearing down until there is nothing left but a glimmer of thread that has grown so thin it tears away from the surface leaving all that it held together falling to the earth in a unforgotten heap of lost memories.


  1. I have realized every time my blog is opened this poem of mine gets the most attention and would to love to know why,, I really hope it is understood that my poems are mine legally and if they are being used for other purposes I have the authority to know what they are being used for and can deny the use of them. I love all of my fans I just hope they are not stealing my work,,

  2. what is it about this poem that draws so much attention? please reply :)


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