Saturday, September 3, 2011

Tormented soul

Tormented soul stomped to the ground, sent back to Heaven to heal itself again. Lays in wait as it is to scared to leave, going back to earth just to feel humans pain once more. Taking over another body it soon forgets what life it had in it's past. Learning from each life it leads, learning more and more until god grants it's relief. Sent here to grow in knowledge, sent here just to suffer. Sent here just to be tormented, sent here to love and then lose again another friend. Sent here to enjoy another flower as it blooms in splendor, sent here to watch the beautiful snow fall in winter.

Sent here to prove it can live on, sent here to show us we can be strong. The soul is a powerful thing, in the mist of all of our torments the soul has already lived it. Finally learning all that it could it lays in wait for it's loving mate. Released into Heaven never having to live another day in hell again.

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