Thursday, October 6, 2011

I never gave up

I cried and weaped, begged and pleaded
all you had to do was answer the question
that I needed.

I sat and I waited even a year after the date,
that you told me I just had to wait. I listened
and believed your lies, that you loved me but
it had to be disguised.

I sat here and waited while you told me to be
patient, only did I hear from you when you were
blue. I tried to move on but never could, just at
the last minute there you would be.

Once again to fall for your lies that you missed me
and always thought of me when you closed your
eyes. You told me I was everything and more but
yet to her you act like I am just a whore.

I done what you said and never gave up, I sat on
a shelf like a hardly used cup. Never to stop loving
you! I cried myself to sleep everynight wondering
when the next time you would have time for me.

You never could understand why my depression,
why could I just not smile and be happy. To be
alone with someone in your heart believing that
soon you would not be apart. You expressed so
many things, how could I ever without you be happy?

Now you see what had torn me, never did you care
of the hurt you would never spare. I sat alone waiting
for you, even trying to kill myself not once but two.
You see how it feels now the way that you done me,
now to sit alone by yourself, now is it that easy to be

I still love you and that will never change, but now I see
we were all just a game to be played. Life is not easy
when you are alone, to dread the thought of even going
home. Maybe some day you will finally see, hearts are not
to be played with but held tenderly.

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Giving up is never an option

 I find that life has not really been mine. I know that I cannot be the only one who feels out of place in their lives! Do you know that fee...