Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Life's gift

My life has fallen into place,
loving arms and words to take
away the tears that for so long
fell from my face.

A life of dreams to chase, feeling
so right when with the one they were
made.Eyes to shine with the love of
my life, loving him more tonight.

My spirits has been uplifted, I
feel like my life has now finally
been given the best gift of all.
A man who I knew would catch me
before I fall.

Always to be at my best when I
am with him, my heart could never
of dreamt for a better man. One
that I can trust, one to give
everything I am.

In his arms I feel the safest,a
love I could never replace.Souls
to match and hearts to speak,the
life I always dreamed....

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