Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A soldiers walk through life

A little boy watches through the gates at his father
a soldier man , proud as he can be.
He tells of his dads courage to anyone who will listen
and he tells them that one day he will come home,
back with his mom and him
he prays every night for his safety

He never sees that brave man again
his dad had walked through the gates of his own
impending doom
His Mother still cries within the darkness of nightfall,
missing the soldier still today
that her heart had fallen for

He grows into a man himself,
following in his fathers boots prints
he had decided long ago.
He leaves his baby boy behind that gate,
the same he seen at his age.

He walks the path that was set out for
him as bullets fly throughout the nights,
endless days that seem to never be out
of site. Friends falling to the ground,
his strength could not save them this time around.

He dreams of the day he will go home,
to see the family he left and misses so.
A memory of a once great man creeps into his restless mind.
A new found strength he shall carry
as he wakes to the bullets of a new day

Years go by with nothing more than letters from home,
he wonders if his son can still remember the man that he once was.
Carefree and full of play,
how he misses those long ago days.

The day has finally come,
he hears word that they are going home.
Fear rocks his heavily burdened shoulders,
would everyone still be there
would they feel the same as long ago?
Waiting for the return of their soldier man!

He stands at the same gate he has seen his whole life,
remembering the father he had hid his tears from.
He only wished to let him know he could be strong also,
wishing now he had not hid the tears that were to fall.
Hoping he had always knew he was missed by all
not few!

He looks up from his thoughts to see his wife and a little boy
who has grown so much in his time away
Tears shedding from  their eyes
as they seen him walk through the gate that had spoken so many
I miss yous and goodbyes.

Hand in hand they will leave this place,
one last glance backwards to see his fathers smiling face.
A salute from his hand into the air,
his guardian angel,
his strength on those long nights of restless fear
his father,
his father always been near

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