Monday, January 9, 2012

NEGU ( Never ever give up )

I cannot figure it out how such
a young girl has kept my mind so
entranced.Her beautiful long hair
a shade of yellow has fallen out
but the beauty of her had never

One day her life as she had always
known it to go away,but her strong
faith had always stayed true and in
gods name she prayed.Never did she
say why me,instead she took her last
few months helping other children
in need.

A stat on Facebook of NEVER EVER
GIVING UP,a joy jar to be handed
out full of love.A smile to reach
a child in need or a word to reach
a parent who just needed serenity.

She started a foundation at twelve
years old,touched the world like
only a child could of.Even in her
darkest hour her smile touched her
lips showing us her grace and power.

Why does her memory keep touching
me,I believe it is because god knew
what he was doing when he sent such
a beautiful child that no one would
could keep. She was sent from the
Heavens above to shower among us her
graceful fight of never giving up.

She leaves behind thousands of friends
who she kept touching to her end.She is
now with her father above,her wings will
forever sparkle with energy.When you say
you will never give up, there you will
find Jessica Joy Rees as always showering
you with her fighting gloves.

the foundation was inspired by a
twelve year old girl fighting two
brain tumors and instead of searching
for what others could do for her she
took what time she had left to help
other children and their parents in
need.Keep NEGU alive for Jessie and
show her that her hard work was not
for nothing. Visit NEGU on Facebook,
and Youtube to learn more of a twelve
year old who has left behind a legacy
of love and never giving up behind.

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Giving up is never an option

 I find that life has not really been mine. I know that I cannot be the only one who feels out of place in their lives! Do you know that fee...