Sunday, January 8, 2012


My life has been redefined by the
arms of a man that feels the same
as I.His words drip with honey as
they speak words of a better life.

I listen in anticipation to the
next thing that may fall from his
sweet lips.I have seen just a very
small part of his heart,just a glimpse
of a brand new start.

My body tingles with an energy that
screams out his name,with him I feel
no pain.My heart is being rebuilt to
an perfection and it will never feel
the same.

My mind wanders again to dreams that
were let go,never did I believe my
love would once again show,never to
be at peace I believed.

I walk in the shadow of a greater life,
one that I know I will never have to hide.
I feel my pulse quicken when I think of
him,my dreams are more now than long ago

One brick at a time is being left behind,
our story is left to unfold in the arms
of a lover touch that will never grow old.

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Giving up is never an option

 I find that life has not really been mine. I know that I cannot be the only one who feels out of place in their lives! Do you know that fee...