Thursday, February 2, 2012

Perfect pair

I walk in his shadow that
gives me the strength I
need to make it through
my days that can seem so
hard and full of struggles.

He gives me the willpower
I need to see life for what
it really is when I would
rather turn a blind eye to
never see what the world
can really hold for me.

A sweetness in his stroking
touch as his fingers play
silently on my flesh,a soft
word in my ear he puts.

Roaming lips so softy to my
cheek that it sometimes can
not be felt,the meaning of
true love and compassion,in
his arms I melt.

In his eyes I can see the love
I had always wanted to be in!
In his heart I can see me!In
his mind I want to be!A life
full of happiness I live in now,
his love I will always find my
strength in.

My real love has finally been sent
to me!He is the only one I see in
my dreams when I can finally sleep.
Another kiss from his lips,sends me
into an endless bliss of passionate
love.We fit each other like the perfect
pair,in his shadow I will never feel


  1. Hello, I am a new follower (22).Thank you for stopping by! I hope your day is a good one and that you will come back again soon. Greetings from Rio de Janeiro/Brasil!
    Nelson Souzza :)

  2. Hi my friend! Your blog is beautiful ... wonderful ... I'm going back. Hugs.

  3. thank you friends xxx, I love you all much love


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