Monday, October 10, 2011

A poets mind

I write what I feel and sometimes it
may not be all that appeals.My heart
has been broken, my life is in shambles,
at this time this is what I feel and that
is what I will reveal.

Others times my life is like a beautiful
rose just opening up for the first time,
the sunlight making it glitter with the
perfect colors. A calmness taking over
my heart, in my words you can tell the
two apart.

I write about my lifes heartaches, happy
days that no one can take away. Feelings
that just jump out at me, my words are
written depending on my feelings.

I express my feelings in a different way,
my heart knows all the words that my
mouth cannot say. My writtings brings to
light all the words I cannot say, the feelings
I so often hide and tuck away.

I am a poet, I am a loner! I am the person
no one will ever really know. If you listen
just quitely reading the words put in front
of thee..then you will know the real me.



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