Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sweet perfection

Life getting better over time
my heart once again to shine.
My eyes sparkling with diamonds.

My laughter and happiness can
be heard miles aways, just from
the smile on my face.

Stories to be told, laughter and
tears to flow, some memories are
of happier times while others are
from a sadness that keeps you so
very cold, either way needs to be

Connections to share, no words to
be spared. A trust like no other,
I can tell of everything in my life
that has brought me dispair that
so easily you can uncover.

Always to be here for the one who
knows me best, knowing in me his
words he can also entrust. Secrets
to never be, souls to truly see.

Like a kettle on a low fire, to simmer
to perfection. A soul to find such a
sweet connection, trusting only one
with everything. A tear to leave my
eyes, with you I can never hide.

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